Senin, 01 Oktober 2012


Indirect speech disebut juga reported speech adalah kalimat tak langsung yang dipakai untuk mengatakan atau menceritakan kembali kalimat-kalimat yang dibuat oleh seseorang.

Direct speech adalah kalimat langsung yang mengungkapkan kata-kata persis seperti yang diucapkan oleh pembicara.

Perubahan yang terjadi dalam indirect speech adalah:

  1. Perubahan tenses.

Direct speech
Indirect speech
Would + Verb 1
Future continuous
Would be + Verb-ing
Simple present
Simple past
Present continuous
Past continuous
Present perfect
Past perfect
Present perfect continuous
Past perfect continuous
Simple past
Past perfect

  1. Perubahan keterangan waktu .

Direct speech
Indirect speech
The day before

The prefious day
The next day

The following day
The previous….
The following….

Direct dan indirect speech dapat digunakan dalam kalimat:

  1. Command  (perintah)
Ex: Direct        : “Do  your homework now!”, said Anna.
      Indirect     : Anna said to do homework then.

  1. Prohibition (larangan)
Ex: Direct        : “Don’t touch my bag!”, said Nora to Ari.
      Indirect     : Nora said to Ari not to touch her bag.

  1. Statement (pernyataan)
Ex: Direct        : “I have to go to Malang today”,said Ani.
      Indirect     : Ani said that he had to go to Malang that day.

      Direct        : “You will do the homework tomorrow”.said  Tania.
      Indirect     : Tania said that Iwould do the homework the following day.

  1. Question (pertanyaan)
Ex: Direct: “ What time it is now?”,asked Rita to me.
       Indirect: Rita asked to me what time it was then.

  1. Yes or no question
Ex:Direct               : “Are you Shanty?”, asked Alvin to Anna.
      Indirect           : Alvin asked anna if she was Shanty.
      Direct              : “Did you call me last night”?, asked Ria to Andy.
      Indirect           : Ria asked to Anna wheather he had called her the previous day.
Note: If dan wheather digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kembali kalimat tanya.

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